MOTIF Reference
File mode
Reference File mode
• All Extension: .W2A
All data in the MOTIF’s internal User Memory are treated
as a single file, and can be saved to the memory card/SCSI
storage device.
• All Voice Extension: .W2V
All the User Voice data in the MOTIF's internal User
Memory are treated as a single file, and can be saved to the
memory card/SCSI storage device.
• All Song Extension: .W2V
All the User Song data in the MOTIF's internal User
Memory are treated as a single file, and can be saved to the
memory card/SCSI storage device.
• All Pattern Extension: .W2P
All the User Pattern data in the MOTIF's internal User
Memory are treated as a single file, and can be saved to the
memory card/SCSI storage device.
• All Waveform Extension: .W2W
All the User Wave and Sample data in the MOTIF's
internal User Memory are treated as a single file, and can
be saved to the memory card/SCSI storage device.
• Usr ARP (User Arpeggio) Extension: .W2G
All the User Arpeggio data in the MOTIF's internal User
Memory are treated as a single file, and can be saved to the
memory card/SCSI storage device.
• Plugin All Bulk 1, 2, 3 Extension: .W2B
All the data in a Plug-in board are treated as a single file,
and can be saved to the memory card/SCSI storage device.
• SMF Extension: .MID
Sequence track (1 - 16) and Tempo track data of songs or
patterns created in the Song/Pattern mode can be saved to
the memory card/SCSI storage device as Standard MIDI
File (format 0) data.
• Wav Extension: .WAV
Sample data created in the Sampling mode can be saved to
the memory card/SCSI storage device as a WAV file
(Windows audio format).
• Aif (AIFF file) Extension: .AIF
Sample data created in the Sampling mode can be saved to
the memory card/SCSI storage device as an AIFF file
(Macintosh audio format).
• all voice without waveform (Voice data for
Voice Editor) Extension: .W2E
All the User Voice data (with the exception of waveform
data) can be treated as a single file and saved to the
memory card/SCSI storage device. The saved file can be
loaded to the Voice Editor software (included in the CD-
ROM) on your computer.
■ File types that can be loaded from the Memory
Card/SCSI storage device to the MOTIF
Any data saved to a memory card/SCSI device from the
User memory of the MOTIF can be loaded back to the
MOTIF. Naturally, all the file types that can be saved
(listed above) can be loaded; however, there are some
additional types available for loading. (Refer to the list
• All Extension: .W2A
A file that is saved to the Memory Card/SCSI storage
device as “All” type can be loaded and restored to the
• All Voice Extension: .W2V
A file that is saved to the Memory Card/SCSI storage
device as “All Voice” type can be loaded and restored to the
• Voice Extension: .W2V
A specified voice in a file that is saved to the Memory
Card/SCSI storage device as “All” or “All Voice” type can
be individually selected and loaded to the MOTIF.
• Plugin All Bulk 1, 2, 3 Extension: .W2B
A file that is saved to the Memory Card/SCSI storage
device as “Plugin All Bulk 1, 2, 3” type can be loaded and
restored to the Plug-in board installed to the MOTIF.
• Usr ARP (User Arpeggio) Extension: .W2G
A file that is saved to the Memory Card/SCSI storage
device as “Usr ARP” type can be loaded and restored to
the MOTIF.
• All Song Extension: .W2S
A file that is saved to the Memory Card/SCSI storage
device as “All Song” type can be loaded and restored to the
• Song Extension: .W2S
A specified song in a file that is saved to the Memory Card/
SCSI storage device as “All” or “All Song” type can be
individually selected and loaded to the MOTIF.
• All Pattern Extension: .W2P
A file that is saved to the Memory Card/SCSI storage
device as “All Pattern” type can be loaded and restored to
the MOTIF.
• Pattern Extension: .W2P
A specified pattern in a file that is saved to the Memory
Card/SCSI storage device as “All” or “All Pattern” type
can be individually selected and loaded to the MOTIF.
• All Waveform Extension: .W2W
A file that is saved to the Memory Card/SCSI storage
device as “All” or “All Waveform” type can be loaded and
restored to the MOTIF.
• Waveform Extension: .W2W
A specified waveform in a file that is saved to the Memory
Card/SCSI storage device as “All” or “All Waveform” type
can be individually selected and loaded to the MOTIF.
• All Voice for Editor Extension: .W2E
The Voice data edited via the included Voice Editor
software on your computer can be loaded to the MOTIF.
• SMF (Standard MIDI file) Extension: .MID
The Standard MIDI file (format 0, 1) can be loaded to the
MOTIF and can be played back in the Song/Pattern mode.