
VOICE EDIT MODE / 2: Level/Name
2-1: LEVEL
2-1: LEVEL
The ability to independently adjust the volume of each voice makes it possible to
match levels for smooth transition when switching between voices. It is also possible
to set the minimum volume level that can be set via MIDI control.
Total (Total level)
Range: 0 … 127
Adjusts the volume of the current voice.
A setting of “0” produces no sound while a setting of “127” produces
maximum volume.
VolLoLim (Minimum controller volume level)
Range: 0 … 127
Determines the minimum volume level that can be set by a MIDI control
device assigned to volume control. If this parameter is set to “0,” the minimum
MIDI control value will produce no sound. A setting of “63” will result in
about half volume when the control device is set to its minimum position.
Total VolLoLim
[PLAY MODE] -> VCE PLAY -> [EDIT/COMPARE] -> 2: Level/Name -> [ENTER] -> [PAGE]
-> 2-1 : Level -> [ENTER]