VOICE EDIT MODE / 3: Full Edit. 3-6: Controller
40: “LFO_Wave ”
41: “LFO_Phase”
42: “LFO_SpdVel”
43: “LFO_SpdRnd”
44: “AEG_Rate1 ”
45: “AEG_Rate2 ”
46: “AEG_Rate3 ”
47: “AEG_Rate4 ”
48: “AEG_RlsRt ”
49: “AEG_Level2”
50: “AEG_Level3”
51: “AEG_LvlVel”
52: “AEG_RtVel ”
53: “FLT_Reso ”
54: “FLT_CofVel”
55: “FLT_ARVel ”
56: “FLT_Band ”
57: “FLT_CofFrq”
58: “FLT_Rate1 ”
59: “FLT_Rate2 ”
60: “FLT_Rate3 ”
61: “FLT_Rate4 ”
62: “FLT_RlsRt1”
63: “FLT_RlsRt2”
64: “FLT_Level0”
65: “FLT_Level1”
66: “FLT_Level2”
67: “FLT_Level3”
68: “FLT_Level4”
69: “FLT_RlsLv1”
70: “FLT_RlsLv2”
71: “OS_NoteSft”
72: “FLT_BPLvl1”
73: “FLT_BPLvl2”
74: “FLT_BPLvl3”
75: “FLT_BPLvl4”
Range: 0 … 100
Sets the lower limit of the MIDI controller 3 or 4 range. A setting of “0”,
for example, means that when MIDI controller 3 or 4 is set to its minimum
position the assigned parameter will also be set to its lowest value. A setting of
“50” means that the lowest controller position will set the assigned parameter
to about 50% of its range (a parameter with a range of 0 to 127, for example,
would be set to about 63).
Range: 0 … 100
Sets the upper limit of the MIDI controller 3 or 4 range. A setting of
“100”, for example, means that when MIDI controller 3 or 4 is set to its maxi-
mum position the assigned parameter will also be set to its highest value.
A setting of “80” means that the highest controller position will set the as-
signed parameter to about 80% of its range (a parameter with a range of 0 to
127, for example, would be set to about 102).
MC3 or MC4 PARAMETER LIST (40 … 75)