This function facilitates performance editing by allowing the layer parameters
from any layer in any other performance (the “source” performance) to be copied to
the current layer. You can copy a layer setup that is close to the type you want, then
edit it to produce the required sound.
Press the [STORE/COPY] key while in the layer edit mode.
PERFORMANCE EDIT MODE / 3: Full Edit. 3-1: Layer
Position the cursor at the left parameter (press the [ ] key) and then use the
[MEMORY] key to select the internal, preset, or card memory; then use the [-1/NO]
and [+1/YES] keys to select the performance combination from the which the data is
to be copied. Move the cursor to the right parameter (press the [ ] key) and use the [-
1/NO] and [+1/YES] keys to select layer from which the data is to be copied (A, B,
C, or D).
Once the source performance combination and layer have been selected, press the
[ENTER] key. “Sure?” will appear on the display.
Press the [+1/YES] key to copy the layer data, or press [-1/NO] to cancel the
copy operation. Once the copy operation has finished, “Completed!” will appear on
the display briefly, then the display will return to the layer edit mode.
[PLAY MODE] -> PFM PLAY -> [EDIT/COMPARE] -> 3: Full Edit -> [ENTER] -> 3-1:Layer -> [ENTER]