
When you want to program a single drum key “from scratch,” rather than
editing an existing key, use this function to initialize all data for the specified
drum key.
DRUM VOICE EDIT M O DE / 1: Key Param eter
1 - 2 : IN ITIA L IZ E
Use the [-1/NO] and [+1/YES] keys or the keyboard connected to the
TG500 to enter the drum key you want to initialize (C1 … C5), then press
[ENTER] to begin the initialize procedure. The following confirmation display
will appear:
Press [+1/YES] to confirm that you want to go ahead with the initialize
operation (which will erase all current edited data), or press [-1/NO] to cancel.
“Completed!” will appear briefly on the display when the drum key data
has been initialized.
See page 285 through 292 for initial drum voice chart.
[PLAY/MODE] -> VCE PLAY -> [EDIT/COMPARE] -> 1: Key Parameter -> [ENTER] -> [PAGE]
-> 1-2: Initialize -> [ENTER]