You can easily listen to a group of desired tracks by selecting a list ol tracks with bo()kmarks.
• Addingtracks to the bookmark list
Press TRACK NO./BOOKMARK on the remote control
during playback of the desired track until the MARK
indicator turns on.
• When the track with a bookmark is selected, the MARK indicator
lights on the display regardless of whether it is during playback or
• You can create one list of the tracks with bookmarks on each the
HDD and a CD.
• The list of the tracks on the HDD with bookmarks will be stored
on the HDD. However, only one list of tracks with bookmarks can
be stored. If you wish to have more than one list, copy the playlist
in the album (P.54).
• The list of the tracks on a CD with bookmarks will be erased if
the CD is taken out or the power of this unit is turned olE
• You can create a new album by copying the list of tracks with
bookmarks. Select "Mark" as the group to be copied. See "Albmn
Copy" (P.54).
• Playing backtracks in the book-
mark list
1 • Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to turn on the GROUP indicator on the
2, Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/-, • or • on the
remote control) to select "Mark",
When selecting"Mark" on aCD
When selecting "Mark" on the HDD
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3, Press E>/uu to start playback.
Tracks are played in the order thai bookmarks have been
• Removing tracks from the book-
mark list
Press TRACK NO./BOOKMARK on the remote control
during playback of the desired track until the MARK
indicator turns off.
To clear the bookmark list of the selected drive
Press CLEAR as pressing TRACK NO./BOOKMARK on the l'ront
panel while this unit is in the stop mode. The lkqlowing message
appears on the display and all bookmarks are canceled.
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