• Discsthatcanbeusedfor recording on
this unit
Be sure tu ase onl_ CD-R and CD-RW discs made h3 reliahle
CD-R and CD-RW digital audio discs that display either of the
following marks can be used with this unit.
• Discs that can be used for recording
• CD-R discs carl only be recorded un once, and the recorded
material cannot be erased.
• CD-RW discs can be recorded on, have the recorded material
erased, and then recorded un again.
• Discs that cannot be used for recording on
this unit
• Discs hearing marks other than those shown ahuve.
• Discs intended lor recording computer data.
• Discs intended for professional use or labeled "FOR
• 79-minute CD-R disc
Tile actual recordahle time of the CD-R disc with "80" written on
its package is 79 minutes 57 seconds. This manual describes such
CD-R disc as "79-minute CD-R disc".
• Finalization of CD-R/CD-RW discs
To play hack CD-R discs on a standard CD player and CD-RW
discs uu CD-RW-compatible players, you need to perlorm the
process known as "finalization". In the finalization process, the
"PaNe of Cuuteuts (TO(;) is written unto the discs.
Finalized CD-R discs
• CD-R discs carl be played on a standard CD player.
• Further recurdiug outu CD-R discs is nut possible.
• Some CD players may not play back the linalized CD-R discs
pruperly due to difli:rences in the playback system of dilli_reut
Finalized CD-RW discs
• CD-RW discs cannot be played on a standard CD player. CD-RW
discs can be played back on CD-RW-compatible players such as
this unit.
• Tracks written on CD-RW discs can be erased, and additiunal
tracks can be recorded after the TOC has been erased.
• Erasure or loss of data
Yanmha and suppliers accept nu liahility lbr tile loss of data written
on the HDD and CD-R or CD-RW discs, or any problmns caused as
a result of using this unit. As a precaution, it is recommended that
the discs are tested after they have been recorded on. Furthermure,
under no circumstances do Yamaha and suppliers guarantee the
reliability of the discs.
• Discs that can be played back
In addition to CD-R and CD-RW digital mldio discs descrihed
previously, commercially available CDs bearing the marks shown
below can also be played on this unit. If you use the CDs that do
not meet CD standards, this unit may operate properly.
• Playback of the CD-R disc copied with the
Audio Master Quality Recording mode
Tile Amlio Master Quality Recurdiug mode mmhles yuu to create a
CD with high quality sounds by increasing the linear velocity when
cupying. The CD-R discs copied with this mode meet the CD
standards and can be played un a standard CD player. However,
some CD recorders may not play back these CD-R discs properly.
• Playback on DVD players
Belore playing hack a fimflized CD-R or CD-RW discs on aDVD
player, please check whether the DVD player is compatible with
CD-R or CD-RW discs or not. Reli:r tu the owner's manual of the
DVD player for more iulormatiuo. CD-R or CD-RW discs cannot
be played on a DVD player that is nut compatible with CD-R or
CD-RW discs.
• Please check the copyright laws in your country to record
from records, CDs, radiu, etc. Recording of copyright material
may iul?iuge copyright laws.