• Enteringcharactersin the edit
._-"]1II[o] ;11::1m]i/I LM::1_II
Entering the title characters by using the
1. Rotate the MULTIJOG knob.
When the MULTI JOG knob is rotated clockwise, characters
appear in the order of alphabetical capital letters, alphabetical
lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
2. Press the MULTI JOG knob to confirm the selected
The cursor moves to the next space. Repeat steps l and 2 until
the title is complete. A title can cootain up to 32 characters.
Entering the title characters by using the
alphabetical/numeric buttons on the remote
1. Select the character to be used for the title by using
the alphabetical/numeric buttons on the remote
Alphahetical capital letters, alphahetical h)wer case letters, and
numbers switch each time the buttons are pressed. To insert a
space, press SPACE. To use a symbol, press SYMBOL to select
the desired symboh
2. Select the next character by pressing one of the
alphabetical/numeric buttons,
The cursor automatically moves to Ilaenext space. When you
need to use the button same to step l, press _ to move the
insertion point, Ihen press the alphabelical/numeric buttell.
Correcting the characters
Move the cursor to the character to he corrected hy pressing
<</<< or _>/_ (_< or _ on the remote control). To clear the
selected character, press CLEAR. To insert a character belore the
selected character, use the MULTI JOG knob or alphabetical/
numeric buttons to select the character.