
6. Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to select the new track number.
7. Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the new track number.
Press CLEAR to cancel the conlirn/ed selection.
8. Press COMPLETE.
The selected trac'kis renumhered.
This unit returns Io the editing menu ilem selection. (If Ihe edil
menu is carried on during playback, playback restarls.)
If the selected new track number is already in use, the tracks
lollowing this reuumbered track will be automatically up-
numbered by one. However, if there is any unused track number,
only the tracks up to that number will be up-numbered.
The original number of the track that has been reuumbered will be
available lor future use.
Track Adjust
You can change the hegiuuing of the track lorwaM or hackward.
1 If "Track Adjust" is selected (P.58), the following
screen appears.
Discthat containsthe track tobe adjusted
I,.i,I, J _)i! ,@]:' ......
Trackto be adjusted
II the edit menu is selected during playback, the unit
aulomatically selecls the item Io be edited. In this case, skip to
step 6 since you do not need to select an item.
2. Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to select the disc that contains the track to
be adjusted.
3. Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the disc.
The uumher of the track to be adjusted flashes.
Press CLEAR to cancel the confirmed selection.
4. Select the track to be adjusted by rotating the MULTI
JOG knob (pressing +/- on the remote control).
5= Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the track.
The confirmed track will be played.
The folh)wiug message appears in the display.
Thetime length to be adjusted
Playing time of the track
=1,1| | I_[_"t[III;_al_lJig
11there is no track before the track that is selected and
confirmed, "No Previous" appears on the display, and this unit
relurns to slep 4. (If the edit menu is selected during playback,
the mill cancels the edil operation.)
6, Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to adjust the time length (displacement).
The time length can be m!iusted by "minute: second: frame".
(Frame is the unit used for values smaller than 1second. 75
frames make 1second.) The unit to be set is flashing. Move the
flash to Ihe unit Io be adjusted by pressing K</<< or _>>F>_
(-91_1or _ on tile remote CouIro]).
If you stop rotating the MULTI JOG knob, this unit searches
for the temporarily changed beginning point of the track
according to the time length setting made, and starts repeated
playback from the new beginning point to the end of the disc.
Press CLEAR to cancel the adjustment.
7. Press COMPLETE.
The new track beginning point is set.
This unit returns to the editing menu item selection. (If the edit
menu is carried on during playback, playback restarts.)
Before"Track Adjust"
1 2
1 2
After "Track Adjust" (Track 2 is displaced forward)
If the m!justed track inchldes a part that caunot be copied digitally
belore m!iustiug, the adjusted track itself cannot be copied
digitally either.
When the emphasis status of the track to be m!justed is difli:rent
from that of the previous track, the emphasis status of the track to
be a@lsted takes precedence over the previous track.