
Chapter 2 Main EMS Screen
NetAtlas Workgroup User’s Guide
2.3.3 Database Backup and Restore
Use the Database Backup/Restore screen to back up current EMS and SNMPc databases or
restore the database information. Backup data is stored as a series of files in the specified
directory on your computer.
Click Admin > Database Management > Backup/Restore (EMS & SNMPc DB) to display
the configuration screen.
Figure 8 Admin: Database Management: Backup/Restore
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
2.3.4 Database Log Storage Configuration
Use the Database Log Storage Configuration screen to maintain logs on the EMS.
Click Admin > Database Management > Log Storage Configuration (EMS DB) to display
the following screen.
Table 4 Admin: Database Management: Backup/Restore
Backup Select Backup to transfer the database file from the EMS to the computer.
Restore Select Restore to transfer the backed up files from your computer to the EMS.
SNMPc Backup
Specify a backup file name for the SNMPc database to store on your computer.
Enter a descriptive name for identification purposes.
Directory This field displays the default directory to back up or restore database files. Specify
the location you wish the EMS to restore from or back up to on your computer or
click Browse to locate it.
This field is applicable when you select the Restore option.
This field displays the list of backup files available for restore.
Delete Click Delete to remove the selected backup file.
Apply Click Apply to backup or restore the database files.
Close Click Close to close the screen.