Chapter 22 iTunes Store 102
Discover great new music on iTunes Radio. When you listen to iTunes Radio and hear a song
you like, you can connect to iTunes Store to purchase it, add it to your wish list, or discover
similar music. See iTunes Radio on page 60.
Preview a song or video. Tap it.
Tired of tapping More? To rearrange the buttons, tap More, then tap Edit. To replace an icon,
drag another icon over the one you want to replace. Then tap Done.
Purchase, rent, or redeem
Tap an item’s price (or tap Free), then tap again to buy it. If you see instead of a price, you’ve
already purchased the item and you can download it again without a charge.
Use a gift card or code. Tap a category (like Music), scroll to the bottom, then tap Redeem. To
send a gift, view the item you want to give, then tap and tap Gift.
See the progress of a download. Tap More, then tap Downloads.
Bought something on another device? Go to Settings > iTunes & App Store to set up automatic
downloads on your iPhone. To see your purchased music, movies, and TV shows, in iTunes Store,
tap More, then tap Purchased.
Watch your time with rentals. In some areas, you can rent movies. You have 30 days to begin
watching a rented movie. After you start watching it, you can play it as many times as you want
in the allotted time (24 hours in the U.S. iTunes Store; 48 hours in other countries). Once your
time’s up, the movie is deleted. Rentals can’t be transferred to another device; however, you can
use AirPlay and Apple TV to view a rental on your television.
iTunes Store settings
To set options for iTunes Store, go to Settings > iTunes & App Store. You can:
View or edit your account. Tap your Apple ID, then tap View Apple ID. To change your password,
tap the Apple ID eld.
Sign in with a dierent Apple ID. Tap your account name, then tap Sign Out. You can then enter
a dierent Apple ID.
Turn on iTunes Match. If you’re a subscriber, tap iTunes Match so you can access your music on
iPhone anywhere.
Turn o automatic downloads. Tap Music, Books, or Updates. Content updates automatically
over Wi-Fi, unless you turn o the option in Automatic Downloads.
Download purchases over the cellular network. Turn on Use Cellular Data. Downloading
purchases and using iTunes Match over the cellular network may incur carrier charges.