Chapter 31 Nike + iPod 122
Be accurate. To calibrate Nike + iPod, record a workout over a known distance of at least a
quarter mile (400 meters). Then, after you tap End Workout, tap Calibrate on the workout
summary screen and enter the actual distance you covered.
Try again. To reset to the default calibration, go to Settings > Nike + iPod.
Work out
Go! To start a workout, tap Workouts, and choose a workout.
Take a break. If you need to stop for a moment, take iPhone and tap on the Lock screen.
Tap when you’re ready to continue.
Finish. To end the workout, wake iPhone, tap , then tap End Workout.
Post it. Send your workout data to nikeplus.com. Open Nike + iPod, tap History, then tap “Send to
Nike+.” (You need to be connected to the Internet.)
Progress! Review your progress on nikeplus.com. Open Safari, log in to your account on
nikeplus.com, then follow the onscreen instructions.
Nike + iPod Settings
Go to Settings > Nike + iPod, where you can adjust settings for:
Your power song
The voice used for spoken feedback
Units for distance
Your weight
Lock screen orientation