Voicemail Settings
From idle mode, select Menu > Messaging >
Settings > Voicemail number to check the voicemail
Your voicemail number is preset by your service
provider. You do not need to set it manually.
Receiving a Voicemail
When the system sends you a message notifying you
that there is a new voicemail, hold the 1 Key to access
the voicemail service from idle mode.
NOTE: Contact your service provider for more
information on using the voicemail service.
Message Folders
• The Inbox folder contains all of your received
messages. In this folder you can view your received
messages and reply to them or forward messages to
another recipient.
• The Outbox folder contains all messages that were
not sent during the last attempt. In this folder you
can edit or resend your messages.
• The Sent folder contains messages that were
sent successfully. From this folder you can forward
messages to another recipient.
• The Drafts folder contains drafts and unfinished
messages. In this folder you can complete or resend
your messages.
• You cannot receive new messages if the message
memory is full.
• The total amount of space available for saving
messages is determined by the space available on
the phone and SIM card.
Using Message Options
While viewing the contents of the Inbox, press the
Left Soft Key to access the following options, which
apply to the highlighted text message:
• Reply: Reply to the message.
• Call Sender: Call back the originator of the
• Save number: Save the originator’s number to your
Address Book.
• Delete: Delete this message.
• Lock/Unlock: When the message is locked, you will
not be able to delete it.
• Forward: Forward this message.
• Sort: Sort the messages by time or read/unread.