Huawei MG323 Cell Phone User Manual

Hardware Guide
Electrical and Reliability Features
Issue 04 (2011-08-22)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
5.7 ESD Features
Pay great attention to ESD protection when using the MG323 module. To ensure that
the working reference GND is connected to the MG323 module and user interface
board properly, you are recommended not to spray a coated insulation on the
structure fixing hole (connecting with the main reference GND of the user interface
board) and connect the hole with the MG323 module through the metal fastener or
other low-resistance fastener. For specific installation method and fastener
specification, see 6.4 MG323 Module Installation Description."
Table 5-8 lists the test results of the ESD performance of the MG323 module
according to the EN61000-4-2 standard.
Table 5-8 ESD performance
ESD Test Standard
Contact Discharge
Air Discharge
±4 kV
±8 kV