Use Messaging to send, receive, and erase messages from your phone.
Note: The functions available may vary depending on the services provided. Check with your service
provider for details and possible usage charges.
Messaging Menu
Select Messaging from the main menu to access the following functions:
Level 1 > Level 2 > Level 3
Messaging New Text Msg Compose a text message.
Voicemail Shows how many voicemails are waiting.
Inbox Shows a list received text and multimedia messages.
Browser Alerts Shows how many alerts are waiting.
Sent Msgs Shows a list of messages you have successfully sent.
Outbox Shows a list of messages you have sent, but are pending or failed.
Saved Msgs Shows a list of messages you have saved.
Drafts Shows a list of messages that have been started, but saved to be completed at a later
Message Groups See a list of your message groups.
Msg Settings Access these options: Alerts, Msg List View, Signature, Edit Preset Text, Callback
, Auto Save, Auto-Erase, Entry Mode, Text Msg Receipt, Voicemail
, and Erase Recent List.
Erase Msg Access these options: Inbox, Outbox, Sent Msgs, Saved Msgs, Drafts, and All.