LG Electronics F1200 Cell Phone User Manual

User Guide
Press the Menu key ( ) and select Tools using navigation keys.
Favourites Menu-3-1
In this menu, you can construct your own menu with the frequently used
menus for easy access.
In standby mode, you can access the Favorite menu by pressing the up
navigation key ( ).
1. After selecting the desired location from the menu number 1 to 9, press the
left soft key [Add].
2. Select the menu you wish to add by pressing the left soft key [Select]. The
menu is added in the Favorite menu, with the pop-up message, “Activated”.
Note You can add up to 9 menus.
After making up the Favorite menu, in each favorite menu, the following
options are available by pressing the left soft key [Options].
Select: Selects the menu.
Change: You can change the favorite menu with the another menu.
Delete: Deletes the selected favorite menu.
View detail: Displays the route to the favorite menu.
Delete all: Deletes all the favorite menus.
Tools [Menu-3]