LG Electronics F1200 Cell Phone User Manual

User Guide
Calculator Menu-3-2
Using this feature, you can use the phone as a calculator.
The calculator provides the basic arithmetic functions: addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
Using the calculator
1. Enter the first number using the numeric keys.
2. Press the corresponding navigation key to select a mathematical function.
3. To calculate the result, press the left soft key [Result] or OK key.
4. After calculation, press the left soft key [Clear] to return to the initial state.
Unit converter Menu-3-3
This converts any measurement from one unit to another.
There are 4 types that can be converted into units: Length, Surface, Weight
and Volume.
1. Select one of four unit types by pressing the left soft key [Unit].
2. Move to the Current unit section by pressing the down navigation key.
3. Select the unit you want to convert using the left/right navigation keys.
4. Move to the Convert unit section by pressing the down navigation key.
5. Select the unit you want to convert to, using the left/right navigation keys.
6. Input numbers using the numeric keys. Conversion is calculated
Note You can input a decimal number by pressing the key.
To erase any mistake or clear the display, use the key.
To include a decimal point, press the key.
To include a minus sign, press the key.
Tools [Menu-3]