Multimedia templates (Menu 5.7.2)
You can create, edit and view available
templates when creating multimedia
messages. Five types of template
(Birthday, Greeting, Holiday, Thanks,
Sorry) are saved by default.
The following options are available.
Add new: You can create a new
multimedia template.
Write multimedia message: Creates
a multimedia message with the
selected template.
Edit: Edits the selected template.
Menu 5.8
You can add, edit and delete
emoticons. You can insert the emoticon
which you preferred on writing a
message. If you press confirmation key,
you can view the icon.
Messaging settings
Menu 5.9
Text message (Menu 5.9.1)
You can configure text message related
1. Text message centre: Input the
address of the Text message centre.
2. Delivery report: By enabling this
option, you can verify whether your
message has been sent successfully.
3. Validity period: This network service
allows you to set how long your text
messages will be stored at the
message centre.
4. Message types: Text, Voice, Fax,
X.400, Email
Usually, the type of message is set to
Text. You can convert your text into
alternative formats. Contact your
service provider for the availability of
this function.
Depending on your service provider,
useful phrases are saved as a default.