In Case of Emergency (ICE)
This menu allows you to store
names, phone numbers and other
information, which will be very
helpful in case of emergency. Also, it
allows you to read, add, edit, or erase
the notes yourself as necessary in
case an emergency takes place.
Using the Internal Keypad
Open the flip and press
the OK
Key [MENU].
2. Press the Navigation Key to
scroll to Contacts, and press the OK
Key .
In Case of Emergency
4. Use the Navigation Key to
scroll to Contact 1, 2, or 3, then
press the OK Key
5. Press to add Contact from
your Contacts List.
Scroll to the Contact, then press
the OK Key .
ICE Contact Assigned is displayed.
Press to enter information not
stored in your Contacts List.
6. The generic Contact label changes
to the specified name.
Using the External Touch Screen
1. Unlock the Touch Screen by
touching or pulling down
the Unlock Key ( ) on the left
side of your phone and touch
to access the menu.
2. Touch the Contacts icon .
3. Touch 5.
In Case of Emergency
4. Touch Contact 1, 2, or 3.
5. Touch From Contacts or New
ICE Contact Assigned is displayed.
Enter information not stored in your
Contacts List.
6. The generic Contact label changes
to the specified name.
Entering Your ICE Personal Info
Using the Internal Keypad
Open the flip and press
the OK
Key [MENU].
2. Press the Navigation Key to
scroll to Contacts, and press the OK
Key .
In Case of Emergency
3. Scroll to
Personal Info
, then press
the OK Key .