LG Electronics VX8000 Cell Phone User Manual

Using Phone Menus
Using Phone Menus
FLIX Gallery ( 2 times )
Allows you to view Videos that are stored in the phone.
1. Press [Menu], 2 Times, , .
2. Select your desired Video with and press to
or : Adjust the volume.
Left Soft Key : Pause / Resume.
: Repeat / : Rewind / : Play
: Pause / : FF / : Stop
3. Select the options to customize.
1. Send Sends the Flix message to an e-mail address
2. To PIX Place Accessing the Online Album, Pix Place
3. Erase Yes / No
4. Rename Rename the selected Flix
5. Video Info Name / Date / Time / Resolution /
File size
To play Video Messages sent to e-mail, please download Apple's
QuickTime 6.5. Go to www.apple.com/quicktime/download to
download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime
Player. During the download process, when asked to choose an
installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom) select
Minimum for a quicker download.
*VX8000-(E) Color.QXD 11/4/04 9:35 AM Page 100