Nextel Services Overview
• From your PC, visit nextel.com for a variety of Customer Care
services. Browse for information about your BlackBerry device,
Nextel phones, coverage areas, rates and other Nextel services.
View and download user guides, try out our interactive virtual
products and service demos, find answers to frequently asked
questions, order accessories, locate service and repair centers,
send a message, and more.
•For self-service on your Nextel
account, go to MyNextel and
choose from a variety of options: view your billing statements, pay
your bill, reset your Voice Mail password and more.
• Contact us online to make changes to your account: add Nextel
Web Services and other services to your BlackBerry device, change
rate plans, learn about your bill, and more. Simply click Contact Us
to send us an email request. Our representatives will make every
effort to respond to your request within 24 hours.
• Call Customer Care at 1-800-639-6111 or dial 611 from your
BlackBerry device. When overseas, contact Nextel Worldwide
Customer Care for assistance, at +1-360-662-5202 (toll-free from
your BlackBerry device).
• Consult the interactive demo on nextel.com/en/support/guides
for your model for more information.
Placing an Order
Nextel has a variety of approved accessories to support your
, powered by Nextel
such as Vehicle Power
Chargers, Batteries, Bluetooth Wireless Accessories, Sync/USB Data
Cables, Carry Holsters, Chargers, and Hands-Free items. To order
accessories go to nextel.com or call Nextel Nextday
Accessories at 1-
800-NEXTEL6. You can also contact your Nextel Authorized Sales
Representative or stop by any Nextel Store. For information on retail
store locations, go to nextel.com.
Note: Use only those accessories approved by RIM. Using any accessories
not approved by RIM for use with your BlackBerry device might
invalidate any approval or warranty applicable to your BlackBerry
device and might be dangerous.