
72Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights
Pictures taken in Standard or Night mode are saved in 480x360 pixel format in
the Work and Imaging mechanical modes and 640x480 pixel format in the
Browse mechanical mode.
Pictures taken in Portrait mode are saved in 80x96 pixel format.
Video clips are saved in 128x96 (sub-QCIF) pixel format.
Camera settings
Go to OptionsSettings.
In the Camera application settings, you can adjust the image quality setting,
change the default image name, and change the memory location of saved
1. Scroll to the setting you want to change:
Image quality - High, Normal, and Basic. The better the image quality, the
more memory the image consumes.
Default image name - By default, the camera names images in the format
‘Image.jpg’. Default image name allows you to set a name for the images
Audio - On and Off. When the video sound is on, the maximum recording
time is shorter than with sound off. Note that this option is only available in
Video mode.
Default video name - By default, the camera names video clips in the
format ‘Video.3gp’. Default video name allows you to set a name for the
video clips stored.