
Maps & navigation
Explore what’s out there and how to get there.
Find nearby places
Explore the world around you – with Nokia Nearby, you can check for nearby places, such as
restaurants and shopping centres.
1. Tap
Nokia Nearby.
2. To see a list of certain types of places, such as restaurants, tap the category. If you don't see the
category you want in the main view, to see more categories, tap More.
Tip: To see the place on a map, tap the place, and in the place details view, tap MAP.
3. To search for a place, in the main view, write the place name in the search box.
Tip: You can save a place, so you can easily find it later. Tap the place and > SAVE. To see
your saved places, in the Nokia Nearby main view, tap More >
Using services or downloading content may cause the transfer of large amounts of data, which may
result in data costs.
This service may not be available in all countries or regions, and may be provided only in selected
languages. The service may be network dependent. For more info, contact your network service
Contents of digital maps may sometimes be inaccurate and incomplete. Never rely solely on the
content or the service for essential communications, such as in emergencies.
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