
Maps shortcuts
To zoom in to a map, press I.
To zoom out from a map, press O.
To view status information at the top of a map, press U.
To hide status information at the top of a map, press U.
To switch views, press the Space key.
Calendar shortcuts
For shortcuts to work in Day view, in the calendar options, set the Enable Quick Entry field to No.
To schedule an appointment, press C.
To change to Agenda view, press A.
To change to Day view, press D.
To change to Week view, press W.
To change to Month view, press M.
To move to the next day, week, or month, press the Space key.
To move to the previous day, week, or month, press the Shift key and the Space key.
To move the cursor horizontally in Week view, hold the Alt key and roll the trackwheel.
To move the cursor vertically in Month view, hold the Alt key and roll the trackwheel.
To move to the current date, press T.
To move to a specific date, press G.