Sony Ericsson Z520i Cell Phone User Manual

My friends
Connect and log in to the My friends server to
communicate online with your favourite contacts.
If your subscription supports instant messaging
services, you can see contact status if they are
online, and send and receive instant messages.
For more information, contact your service
provider or see
To log in to your My friends server
} Messaging } My friends } Myself } Log in.
List of contacts
You can create a list of contacts from your
My friends server, people you want to send
messages to on a regular basis.
To add a contact
} Messaging } My friends } More } Add contact
and select an option.
To send an instant message from
My friends
1 } Messaging } My friends and select a contact.
2 } Send IM and type your message } Send.
You can change your status shown to others. You
can also choose to display it for your contacts only
or for all users on the My friends server.
To change your own status
} Messaging } My friends } Myself } Change.
A chatroom can be started by your service provider,
by an individual My friends user or by yourself.
You can save chatrooms either by saving a chat
invitation or by searching for a specific chatroom.
To start a chatroom
1 } Messaging } My friends } More } Start
2 Select contacts to invite to the chatroom from
your list of contacts } Continue.
3 Enter a short invitation text } Continue } Send.
Area information
Area information is a type of text message that is
sent to all subscribers within a certain network area.
When you receive an area information message,
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