Cropping, resizing, retouching, and transforming photos
Last updated 7/26/2011
Note: When you specify values for the Width and Height boxes, the Aspect Ratio menu changes to Custom.
3 Drag over the part of the image you want to keep. When you release the mouse button, the crop marquee appears
as a bounding box with handles at the corners and sides.
4 (Optional) Adjust the crop marquee by doing any of the following:
• To change the preset size or aspect ratio, choose new values from the Aspect Ratio menu in the options bar.
• To move the marquee to another position, place the pointer inside the bounding box and click-drag, or hold down
Alt and use the arrow keys to move the marquee.
• To resize the marquee, drag a handle. (If you choose No Restriction from the Aspect Ratio menu, you can constrain
the proportions while scaling by holding down Shift as you drag a corner handle.)
• To swap Width and Height values, click the Swap icon in the options bar.
• To rotate the marquee, position the pointer outside the bounding box (the pointer turns into a curved arrow ),
and drag. (You can’t rotate the crop marquee for an image in Bitmap mode.)
Note: You can change the color and opacity of the crop shield (the cropped area surrounding the image) by changing the
Crop tool preferences. Choose Photoshop
Elements > Preferences > Display & Cursors and specify a new Color and
Opacity value in the Crop Tool area of the Preferences dialog box. If you don’t want to see a colored shield while cropping,
deselect Use Shield.
5 Click the green Commit button located in the lower-right corner of the marquee, or press Enter to finish the
cropping. If you want to cancel the cropping operation, click the red Cancel button or press Esc.
Click the Commit button to accept a crop.
More Help topics
“Resample an image” on page 139
Crop to a selection boundary
Using the Crop command, you can remove the areas that fall outside of the current selection. When you crop to a
selection boundary, Photoshop
Elements trims the image to the bounding box that contains the selection. (Irregularly
shaped selections, such as those made by using the Lasso tool, are cropped to a rectangular bounding box that contains
the selection.) If you use the Crop command without first making a selection, Photoshop
Elements trims the image by
50 pixels from each visible edge.
1 Use any selection tool, such as the Rectangular Marquee tool , to select the part of the image you want to keep.
2 Choose Image > Crop.