Using layers
Last updated 7/26/2011
More Help topics
“Copy a layer from one image to another” on page 56
“Delete a layer” on page 55
“Duplicate a layer within an image” on page 56
“Specify a blending mode for a layer” on page 61
“Specify the opacity of a layer” on page 61
Create a new layer from part of another layer
You can move part of an image from one layer to a newly created one, leaving the original intact.
1 Select an existing layer, and make a selection.
2 Choose one of the following:
• Layer > New > Layer Via Copy to copy the selection into a new layer.
• Layer > New > Layer Via Cut to cut the selection and paste it into a new layer.
The selected area appears in a new layer in the same position relative to the image boundaries.
Creating a new layer by copying part of another layer and pasting it into a new layer
More Help topics
“Duplicate a layer within an image” on page 56
“About selections” on page 80
Convert the Background layer into a regular layer
The Background layer is the bottom layer in an image. Other layers stack on top of the Background layer, which usually
(but not always) contains the actual image data of a photo. To protect the image, the Background layer is always locked.
If you want to change its stacking order, blending mode, or opacity, you must first convert it into a regular layer.
1 Do one of the following:
• Double-click the Background layer in the Layers panel.
• Choose Layer > New > Layer From Background.