Last updated 7/26/2011
More Help topics
“Understanding layers” on page 49
“About brush options” on page 219
Use the Eraser tool
The Eraser tool changes pixels in the image as you drag through them. If you’re working in the Background layer or
in a layer with locked transparency, erased pixels change to the background color; otherwise, erased pixels become
transparent. Transparent pixels are indicated by the transparency grid.
1 Select the Eraser tool from the toolbox.
2 Set options in the options bar as desired, and then drag through the area you want to erase.
You can specify any of the following Eraser tool options:
Brushes Sets the brush tip. Click the arrow next to the brush sample, choose a brush category from the Brushes pop-up
menu, and then select a brush thumbnail.
Size Sets the size of the brush in pixels. Drag the Size pop-up slider or enter a size in the text box.
Mode Brush mode erases by using characteristics of the brush tool, so you can make soft-edged erasures. Pencil mode
makes hard-edge erasures like a pencil. Block mode uses a hard-edged 16-pixel square as an eraser.
Opacity Defines the strength of the erasure. An opacity of 100% erases pixels to complete transparency on a layer and
to the background color on the Background layer. A lower opacity erases pixels to partial transparency on a layer and
paints partially with the background color on the Background layer. (If Block mode is selected in the options bar, the
Opacity option isn’t available.)
More Help topics
“About blending modes” on page 205
“About brush options” on page 219
Use the Magic Eraser tool
The Magic Eraser tool changes all similar pixels when you drag within a photo. If you’re working in a layer with locked
transparency, the pixels change to the background color; otherwise, the pixels are erased to transparency. You can
choose to erase contiguous pixels only, or all similar pixels on the current layer.