Making projects
Last updated 7/26/2011
Making digital projects
About digital projects
You don’t have to know anything about HTML programming to create a Web Photo Gallery; the Web Photo Gallery
dialog box provides styles that you can easily select, customize, and save. It creates a folder containing all the necessary
web page and linked image files. You send this folder by FTP to your web server (or online service).
Create a photo book
1 Click Create, and select Photo Book.
2 Select one of the following options:
• Random Photo Layout.
• Choose Photo layout.
If you select a Random Photo Layout, specify the following options:
• Page Size.
• Choose A Theme.
If you select Choose Photo layout, do the following:
a Specify the page size, select the left and right page layouts, and click Next.
b Select a theme.
3 Set the additional options, and click Create:
Auto-Fill With Project Bin Photos Add all the photos already open in the Project Bin.
Include Captions Inserts a caption under the photo, if the photo has a caption.
Number Of Pages Sets the number of pages in the photo book.
Note: Sometimes, minimum and maximum number of pages allowed vary based on locale.
4 Use the Content panel to add creative designs to your photo book.
5 Use the Photo Book Editing Toolbar to fine-tune your photo book.
Create a Web Photo Gallery
Web Photo galleries come in a variety of traditional layouts and designs, and are optimized for viewing images on a
web page. The Web Photo Gallery dialog box guides you through the process of adding and arranging photos, applying
web page layouts and background styles, adding transitions, and sharing the files. The Web Photo Gallery dialog box
only lets you arrange photos, not edit them.
1 Open the photos you want to use.
2 Select the Create tab, and choose Web Photo Gallery. Adobe Bridge CS4 opens with the photos you want
to use.
3 Choose a page layout template or thumbnail style.
4 A preview of the web page appears in the dialog box.
5 Specify the options for your web page, such as Gallery Title, Thumbnail Size, and Background Color.