Selecting parts of an image
Last updated 7/26/2011
You can first make a rough selection with a marquee tool, Quick Selection Brush, or other selection tool, and then fine-
tune your selection with the Selection Brush tool. You can add to the selection using the Selection Brush tool in
Selection mode, or subtract from it in Mask mode.
Selection Brush tool options
A. Add to selection B. Subtract from selection C. Brush pop-up panel D. Brush size E. Mode F. Hardness G. Selection Brush tool
1 Select the Selection Brush tool from the toolbox. You may need to click the Quick Selection tool in the toolbox
and select the Selection Brush from the list of hidden tools that appears.
2 By default, the tool is set to Add To Selection . To subtract from the selection, click Subtract From Selection
in the options bar.
3 (Optional) Set Selection Brush tool options in the options bar located above your image:
• Choose a brush from the brush presets pop-up panel.
• Specify the brush size.
• Choose Selection (to add to the selection) or Mask (to subtract from the selection) from the Mode menu.
• Set the brush tip’s hardness to a value between 1% and 100%.
If you use a soft-edged brush with the Selection Brush tool, changing the Mode option to Mask can help you see the
soft edges of the selection.
• When using Mask mode, specify an Overlay Opacity between 1% and 100%.
• When using Mask mode, click the Overlay Color swatch and select a color in the Color Picker to set the mask color.
This is useful when the mask color (Overlay Color) is too similar to the colors in the photo.
4 Draw in your photo to select or deselect areas.
Adding to a selection while in Selection mode (left), and subtracting from a selection while in Mask mode (right)
Use the Magic Extractor
Use the Magic Extractor to make accurate selections based on the appearance of foreground and background areas that
you specify. You can specify these areas by placing colored marks in the areas you want to select. After you mark the
areas and close the dialog box, only the foreground area appears in the photo.