Register-Based Programming 133Appendix B
Range, Filter, and
Channel 1, 2
Connect Register
Each channel has an 8-bit byte that controls the input signal range, filter
cutoff and the relay that connects the channel to the front panel connector.
The fastest way to change range, filter or the connect relay is to write a 32-bit
word to the register. After every write to this register the bus is held off 10
ms until the range, filter and relay information is sent to the isolated channel.
The settling time for the relays, filters and the gain amplifier is about 20 ms.
This register controls channels 1 and 2. :
Range, Filter, and
Channel 3, 4
Connect Register
Each channel has an 8-bit byte which controls the input signal range, filter
cut off and the relay that connects the channel to the front panel connector.
The fastest way to change range, filter or the connect relay is to write a 32-bit
word to the register. After every write to this register the bus is held off 10
ms until the range, filter and relay information is sent to the isolated channel.
The settling time for the relays, filters and the gain amplifier is about 10 ms.
This register controls channels 3 and 4.
base + 24
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CH 1 Filter Code short1 CH 1 Gain Code
CH 2 Filter Code short2 CH 2 Gain Code
CH 1 Filter Code short1 CH 1 Gain Code
CH 2 Filter Code short2 CH 2 Gain Code
WRITE/READ BITS (Range, Filter and Channel 1/2 Connect Register)
bits 0-2
and 8-10
These bits set the gain of the input channel by the codes shown below:
000 = 62.5 mV range
001 = 0.25V range
010 = 1.0V range
011 = 4.0V range
100 = 16V range
101 = 64V range
110 = 256V range (also 111 = 256V range)
bits 3
and 11
These bits connect an internal short to the channel inputs when the bit is “1”. When it is “0”,
bits 7 & 15 connect the channel to the input or the calibration bus.
bits 4-6 and
These bits set the input channel filter cut-off frequency by the codes shown below:
000 = 1.5 kHz
001 = 6 kHz
010 = 25 kHz
011 = 100 kHz
111 = NO filter
bits 7 and
This bit connects the input channel to the front panel connector (Connect Code = 0) or to the
calibration bus (Connect Code = 1).
base + 26
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CH 3 Filter Code short3 CH 3 Gain Code
CH 4 Filter Code short4 CH 4 Gain Code
CH 3 Filter Code short3 CH 3 Gain Code
CH 4 Filter Code short4 CH 4 Gain Code