
154 Digitizers Verification Tests Appendix D
Performance Verification Tests
The procedures in this section are used to test the electrical performance
of the digitizer using the specifications in Appendix A as the performance
The Performance Verification Tests are recommended as acceptance tests
when the instrument is first received. The performance verification tests
should be repeated at each calibration interval following acceptance. If the
E1563A or HP E1564A digitizer fails performance verification, adjustment or
repair may be needed (see Appendix E).
NOTE Performance verification program source code is provided on the Agilent
Technologies Universal Instrument Driver CD and are written in ANSI C.
The source code files are titled E1563VER.C and E1564VER.C.
Zero Offset
Verification Test
This procedure is used to check the zero offset performance of the E1563A
or E1564A Digitizer. The digitizer’s internal short is applied to the H (HI) and
L (LO) input terminals of the channel being tested using the DIAG:SHORt
<channel> command.
1 Check the "Test Conditions" section at the beginning of this appendix.
2 Execute DIAG:SHOR1 ON to enable the internal short across the H
and L terminals of channel 1.
3 Select each range in the order shown in Table D-2. Compare the
measurement results to the appropriate test limits shown in the table.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for channel 2 on the E1563A 2-Channel
Digitizer and for channels 2 through 4 on the E1564A 4-Channel
Digitizer, changing the channel number in DIAG:SHORt<channel>
Table D-2. Zero Offset Verification Test Points
E1563A /
E1564A Range
Error from
H-L short
62 mV ± 20 mV
0.25 V ± 78 mV
1 V ± 300 mV
4 V ± 1.2 mV
16 V ± 21 mV
64 V ± 28 mV
256 V ± 79 mV