84 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
SAMPle:TIMer <interval> | MIN | MAX sets the time interval for each sample
event when the sample source is TIMer. Measurements are made on the
input signal at this rate. This interval is common to all channels for sample
source TIMer.
* See SENSe:ROSC:EXT:FREQ <freq>
Comments Using the Sample Interval: The sample interval specified by the period
parameter must be a multiple of the reference oscillator period. The
specified time, if not a correct multiple of the reference oscillator period,
will be rounded to the nearest value that can be attained. SAMPle:
SOURce INTernal, if not a correct multiple of 1E-7, will be rounded to the
nearest value that can be attained by the internal clock.
NOTE The maximum sample rate with the internal 10 MHz reference oscillator is
1/1.3 psec = 769.23 KSa/sec, since the 10 MHz clock resolution is 0.1 psec
and an integer number of clock tics that gives ³1.25 psec must be used.
An external reference oscillator with a frequency that is a multiple of 800
MHz must be used to obtain the 800 KSa/sec maximum sample rate.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled command: YES. The value is changed to the nearest possible
value if an external reference is specified.
Reset (*RST) condition: 0.0000013 (1.3 msec)
SAMPle:TIMer? [MIN | MAX] queries the sample interval when the sample
source is TIMer.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
interval numeric 1.25E-6 to 0.8 (in multiples
of the reference oscillator
period*. Default TIMer
period is 1.3E-6 seconds)
1.3E-6 seconds