
Digitizers Command Reference 95Chapter 3
OPERation Status
The OPERation Status register indicates operational status as follows:
Status Byte Register The OPR Operational Status bit, RQS Request for Service bit, ESB
Standard Event Status Summary bit, MAV Message Available Summary
bit and QUE QUEStionable Status Summary bit in the Status Byte Register
(bits 7, 6, 5, 4 and 3 respectively) can be queried with *STB?, but will be
executed when previous commands are finished.
NOTE Using Agilent VISA, you can query the value of the status byte without
going through the digitizer’s command parser by using the viReadSTB
function call. The OPR bit is the summary bit for the OPERation Status
Register. The QUE bit is the summary bit for the QUEStionable Status
Standard Event Status
Use *ESE? to query the "unmask" value for the Standard Event Status
Register (bits you want logically ORed into the summary bit). Query using
decimal-weighted bit values.
STATus:OPERation:CONDition? returns a decimal-weighted number
representing the bits set in the OPERation Status Condition Register.
STATus:OPERation:ENABle <unmask> enables (unmasks) bits in the
OPERration Status Enable Register to be reported to the summary bit
(setting Status Byte Register bit 7 true). The event register bits are not
reported in the Status Byte Register unless specifically enabled.
STATus:OPERation:ENABle? returns a decimal-weighted number
representing the bits enabled in the OPERation Status Enable Register
signifying which bit(s) will set OPR (bit 7) in the Status Byte Register.
Bit # Description
(calibration in progress)
5 waiting for trigger
8 pretrigger count is met
9 measurement complete