
30 Configuring the Digitizer Modules Chapter 1
Initial Operation
To program the E1563A or E1564A Digitizer using Standard Commands for
Programmable Instruments (SCPI), you must select the interface address
and SCPI commands to be used. Information about using SCPI commands
is presented in Chapter 3.
Programming a digitizer using SCPI requires that you select the controller
language (C, C++, BASIC, Visual Basic, etc.), interface address and SCPI
commands to be used.
NOTE This discussion applies only to Standard Commands for Programmable
Instruments (SCPI) programming. The example program listed is written
using Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) function calls.
VISA allows you to execute on VXIplug&play system frameworks that
have the VISA I/O layer installed (visa.h “include” file).
NOTE The E1563A or E1564A Digitizer may have experienced temperature
extremes during shipment that can affect its calibration. It is recommened
you perform a zero offset calibration upon receipt using CAL:ZERO
<channel>:ALL? for each channel to meet the accuracy specifications
in Appendix A. See Appendix E for the zero adjustment procedure.
Example: Initial Operation
This C program verifies communication between the controller, mainframe
and digitizer. It resets the module (*RST), queries the identity of the module
(*IDN?) and queries the module for system errors.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <visa.h>
void err_handler (ViSession vi, ViStatus x);
void main(void)
char buf[512] = {0};
#if defined(_BORLANDC_) && !defined(_WIN32_)
ViStatus err;
ViSession defaultRM;
ViSession digitizer;
/* Open resource manager and digitizer sessions */
viOpenDefaultRM (&defaultRM);
viOpen(defaultRM, “
GPIB-VXI0::9::40”,VI_NULL,VI_NULL, &digitizer);