60 Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23
For most of the commands in the rest of the tables, you can query the current status
of the associated register by substituting a “?” for any parameters, omitting the “=”
if there is one, i.e. for the command *DPORT=n, you would enter AT*DPORT?.
*NETSTATE? The current network state:
Connecting To Network = The Raven is in the process of
trying to connect to the CDMA network.
Network Authentication Fail = Authentication to the
CDMA network has failed. Verify settings to activate the
Network Negotiation Fail = Network connection negotia-
tion failed. This is usually temporary and often clears up
during a subsequent attempt.
Network Ready = Raven is connected to the CDMA net-
work and ready to send data.
Network Dormant = Raven is connected to the CDMA
network, but the link is dormant. It will be woken up when
data is sent or received.
No Service = There is no CDMA network detected.
Hardware Reset = The hardware module is being reset.
This is a temporary state.
*SMTPSTATUS? The status of the last issued SMTP message
(*SMTPSEND). If no status is available 0 is returned.
Once read, the status is cleared.
The status codes are received from the SMTP server the
modem attempted to send the request. Example: 354 =
send in progress, 250 = sent ok.
*SNTPQUERY? The current SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) time
and date.
+ECIO? The EC/IO value.
+PRL? Preferred Roaming List (PRL) version. Version de la PRL
(Preferred Roaming List, liste des partenaires d'itinérance).
TABLE 1. Information and Status
Command Details