Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23 79
IP Manager
IP Manager (page 15) is a service from AirLink which allows a Raven with a
dynamic IP to be contacted as if it had a static IP by using a Fully Qualified
Domain Name.
*MINXMIT=n n=seconds Minimum transmit period enforcement. When set to n
seconds, will not let the *IPPING, *PPMINTIME, and
the *MSCIUPDPERIOD timers to be set less than n sec
Note that the *PPTIME can still be set to less than
*MINXMIT, but the packets will still be transmitted no
more often than the *PPMINTIME.
Warning: The *MINXMIT value is can only be set one
time and AirLink must be contacted to reset it.
TABLE 14. IP Manager
Command Parameters Details
*DOMAIN=[name] name = domain
name (i.e. eair
Domain (or domain zone) of which the Raven is a part.
This value is used during name resolutions if a fully
qualified name is not provided and also for DNS
updates. This value can be up to 20 characters long.
If *DOMAIN=eairlink.com, then when
ATDT@remote1 is entered, the fully qualified name
remote1.eairlink.com will be used to perform a DNS
query to resolve the name to an IP address.
Note: Only letters, numbers, hyphens, and periods can
be used.
*IPMANAGERn=[name] n= 1 or 2
name = domain
Sets a domain name or IP address to send IP change noti-
fications to. Up to two independent IP Manager servers
can be set, using either AT*IPMANAGER1 or
AT*IPMANAGER2. Updates to a server can be disabled
by setting that entry to nothing (i.e.
TABLE 13. Keepalive
Command Parameters Details