86 Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the de facto standard for email transmis-
sion across the Internet. The Raven can send messages using SMTP if it has been
configured to use a mail server.
SMS (Simple Message Service) is another way to send messages via your Wireless
Service Provider’s cellular network.
Command Parameters Details
\ACEPW=pw pw=password Change the ACE password to a new value. Password is
case-sensitive. Default password is 12345.
Example: AT\ACEPAW=new123
*SNMPPORT=n n=0-65535 This controls which port the SNMP Agent listens on.
0 : SNMP is disabled.
Port for SNMP agent to listen on.
*SNMPSECLVL=n n=0 | 1 | 2 Selects the security level requirements for SNMP com-
munications as follows:
0 : No security required. SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 com-
munications are allowed.
1 : Authentication equivalent to 'authNoPriv' setting in
SNMPv3. SNMPv3 is required to do authentication,
SNMPv2c transmissions will be silently discarded.
2 : Authentication and encryption, equivalent to 'auth-
Priv' setting in SNMPv3. SNMPv3 is required to do
authentication and encryption, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3
authNoPriv transmissions will be silently discarded.
Messages are both authenticated and encrypted to pre
vent a hacker from viewing its contents.
host=IP address
port=TCP port
Controls destination for SNMP Trap messages.
If port is 0 or host is empty, traps are disabled.
Traps are sent out according to the SNMP security level
(i.e. if the security level is 2, traps will be authenticated
and encrypted). Currently, the only trap that can be gen
erated is linkup.