
Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23 87
Caution: Your account with Verizon may not support message
sending. For most SMS commands (those not preceeded by *),
you will need to have the modem in PassThru mode.
TABLE 18. SMTP (email) and SMS (messaging)
Command Parameters Details
number= SMS/
E-mail server
Specify the SMS/E-mail server number. This is neces-
sary to send an SMS message to an email address
40 characters
domain name
Specify the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name
(FQDN) of the SMTP server to use.
imum: 30 characters
email= email
Sets the email address from which the SMTP message is
being sent.
*SMTPPW=[pass] pass= password Sets the password to use when authenticating the email
account (*SMTPFROM) with the server (*SMT
Note: Not required to use SMTP settings but may be
required by carrier.
email= email
body= message
Sends an email to the address specified, followed by the
body of the email message.
The email message is terminated and sent by entering a .
or Ctrl-Z on an empty line.
See also *SMTPSUBJ, *SMYPFROM, and *SMT-
*SMTPSTATUS? none Returns the status of the last issued SMTP message
(*SMTPSEND). If no status is available 0 is returned.
Once read, the status is cleared out.
The status codes are received from the SMTP server the
modem attempted to send the request.
Example: 354 = send in progress, 250 = sent ok.
*SMTPSUBJ=[subject] subject= SMTP
message subject
Allows configuration of the default Subject to use if one
isn't specified in the message by providing a "Subject:
xxx" line as the initial message line.