
8. AP Operation
Remote View In some cases, administrator’s do not wish to have users connect
to the CN8000 with a browser. Remote View solves this problem.
It opens a window on the user’s desktop containing the remote
server’s display that is the same as the one that appears with the
browser-based Windows client. Refer to Chapter 5, The WinClient
Viewer, for operation details.
Change Password Allows users to change their passwords without administrator
intervention. Refer to Chapter 5, The WinClient Viewer, for
operation details.
Exit Macro Exit Macro provides administrators with a non-browser based
method for creating exit macros. Refer to System Macros,
page 83, for details.
Admin Utility The Administrator Utility provides administrators with a non-
browser based method for configuring and controlling CN8000
operations. The Administrator Utility is discussed on the next
Button Action