IP Address Determination
If you are an administrator logging in for the first time, you need to access the
CN8000 in order to give it an IP address that users can connect to. There are
three methods to choose from. In each case, your client computer must be on
the same network segment as the CN8000. After you have connected and
logged in you can give the CN8000 its fixed network address. (See Network,
page 37.)
First Time Browser Login
The easiest way to assign an IP address is when you login from a browser for
the first time and use the Easy Installation Wizard. Refer to Logging In,
page 19, (see step 5) for details on the procedure involved.
IP Installer
The IP Installer utility provides a simple method to ascertain and configure IP
related settings for ATEN and Altusen network enabled devices.
The utility can be obtained from the Download area of our website. Look under
Download - Driver & Software, and select the model of your switch. After
downloading the utility to your client computer, do the following:
1. Unzip the contents of IPInstaller.zip to a directory on your hard drive.
2. Double click IPInstaller.exe, and the following screen appears: