CN8000 User Manual
Basic Settings
This section provides 3 submenus: User Management, Sessions, and
Maintenance, used to manage user accounts and perform system maintenance
on the CN8000.
User Management
The User Management page is used to create and manage user profiles. Up to
64 user profiles can be established.
To add a user profile, fill in the information asked for in the right panel,
then click Add. The new user’s name appears in the left panel.
To delete a user profile, select it from the names displayed in the left panel,
and click Remove. The user’s name is removed from the panel.
To modify a user profile, first select it from the list in the left panel; change
the information that appears in the right panel; then click Update.
Note: The user’s password is not displayed – the Password and Confirm
password fields are filled with round bullets. If you do not want to
change the user’s password, simply leave the two fields as is.
The Admin and User radio buttons select automatically configured
permissions. If you wish to modify these permissions, choose the Select
radio button, then specify the permissions individually.