CN8000 User Manual
Remote Console
This section provides a preview screen that shows a snapshot of the server’s
display, as follows:
Clicking Refresh updates the snapshot of the remote display.
Exit Macro
The Exit Macro panel contains a dropdown list box of user created System
macros: Select the Exit Macro you would like to use and click Save. See System
Macros, page 83, for details on creating exit macros.
If the Serial Console is enabled and a user has telnet access rights, then the
“Open Telnet Client” button will appear on the Remote Console page. Click
this button to launch the built in telnet client AP.
Open Power Management
To configure the PN0108 (a Power Over the NET™ device), click Open Power
Management. When a connection between the devices is established, you can
use the CN8000 to access the configuration screens of the PN0108. Clicking
this button opens the login page of the PN0108 device.
Note: 1. Connection to the PN0108 or a Power Over the NET™ (PON) device
can be viewed and managed through the browser, Windows and/or
Java application (AP) programs, with the latest firmware version.