4. Administration
Enable Dial Out
For the dial out function, you must establish an account with an Internet
Service Provider, and then use a modem to dial up to your ISP account. An
explanation of the items in the Enable Dial Back section is given in the table
Enable Flexible Dial
If Flexible Dial Back is enabled, the modem that the CN8000
dials back to doesn’t have to be fixed. It can dial back to any
modem that is convenient for the user, as follows:
1. Key the password that the users must specify in the Pass-
word field.
2. When connecting to the CN8000’s modem, users specify
the phone number of the modem that they want the CN8000
to dial back to as their Username, and specify the password
set in the Password field for their password.
Item Action
ISP Settings Specify the telephone number, account name (username), and
password that you use to connect to your ISP.
Item Action