Command Reference Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1 1-1
This chapter describes:
■ Command Mode Summaries
■ Entering and Exiting the Command Modes
■ Basic Functions
■ Accessing the CLI
Command Mode Summaries
The CLI for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice switches consists of
various command modes. The commands you can enter depend on the
mode you are in. Each command mode has a distinct prompt. Table 1-1
describes the main command modes.
To exit command mode, enter exit.
Table 1-1. Main Command Mode Summaries
Mode Description To Access Prompt
User The mode you are in after
login. It includes a limited
number of commands to
display status and statistic
Log in. >
Privileged Contains the commands from
the User mode and the
commands to set operating
From the User mode,
enter enable.
Global Configuration Commands to configure the
system as a whole.
From the Privileged
mode, enter configure.
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