Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 33-3
set vlan
Command Mode Global Configuration.
Description Creates a VLAN or modifies the name of an existing VLAN. The clear
command deletes a VLAN.
If the VLAN that you specify does not exist, this command creates the
VLAN. If the VLAN that you specify does exist, this command renames the
VLAN and ignores any optional arguments that you enter.
Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
To Configure: set vlan <vlan-id> [name <vlan-name>] [autoincrement-
HT-size {true | false}] [init-HT-size <size>]
To Delete: clear vlan {<vlan-id> | name <vlan-name>}
Table 33-2. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
<vlan-id> The VLAN ID.
[name <vlan-name>] The VLAN name.
size {true | false}
Specifies whether the AFT hash table associated with this
VLAN can grow when the table is full. The default setting
is true.
[init-HT-size <size>] Specifies the initial hash table size. The table size can be
16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 or 8192. The
default setting is 1024.