Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 16-11
Sample Output The following example logs all of the LDAP fault messages.
(configure)# logging protocol event ldap fault
Completed set configuration for protocol events.
Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Table 16-4. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
{rip | ospf | dvmrp | ldap |
cli | snmp | appletalk |
The protocol for which you want to configure event
{fault | error | warning |
info | trace | debug}
The event category for which you want protocol
events generated. Options are:
fault—Serious errors that can cause a system crash,
for example, panic.
error—Serious errors that will not cause a system
crash but can contribute to protocol problems.
warning—Noncritical errors.
info—Event details.
trace—Packet traces. If you enable trace logging, all
protocol packets sent and received are logged as
protocol events.
debug—Event messages used to troubleshoot a
network problem.