Chapter 13
13-16 Command Reference Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
ipx rip-filter
Command Mode Interface Configuration.
Description Controls which networks are present in RIP packets sent and received on
the interface. The no form of this command removes the filter from an
To Configure: ipx rip-filter <precedence> <start-network> <end-
network> {outbound | inbound | both} {filter | allow}
[<filter-ticks> [<filter-hops>]]
To Remove: [no] ipx rip-filter <precedence>
Table 13-6. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
<precedence> Indicates the precedence of this RIP filter in relation to other
RIP filters on this interface. Lower numbers indicate a higher
precedence. The range is 0-9999.
<start-network> The first IPX network address this filter should match. The
range is 0-FFFFFFFF.
<end-network> The last IPX network address this filter should match. The
range is 0-FFFFFFFF.
{outbound |
inbound | both}
The filter direction.
• outbound - apply filter to RIP packets sent out the
• inbound - apply filter to RIP packets received on the
• both - apply filter to RIP packets in both directions.
{filter | allow} The action to take for the IPX network in question.
• filter - do not add the network to the routing table
(inbound RIP packets) or do not advertise the network
(outbound RIP packets).
• allow - add the network to the routing table (inbound
RIP packets) or advertise the network (outbound RIP
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