Chapter 16
16-10 Command Reference Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
logging protocol event
Command Mode Global Configuration.
Description Sets the categories of the protocol events that generate notifications. If you
enable event notification for CLI, SNMP, RIP, OSPF, DVMRP, LDAP,
Apple Talk, or VRRP, you must set which categories of the protocol events
generate notifications.
* Important: If enabled, protocol event logging displays system
messages that help Avaya Technical Support troubleshoot
network problems. Avaya recommends that logging of
protocol events be enabled only during troubleshooting
sessions. If protocol event logging is enabled during
normal network operation, the switch may display
messages that users may incorrectly interpret as
indications of protocol failures.
* Note: Enabling logging of protocol events may cause the event log to
rapidly fill with protocol events.
The no command disables event notification for the specified category of
protocol events. The default setting is that all protocol events are disabled.
To Enable: logging protocol event {rip | ospf | dvmrp | ldap | cli | snmp
| appletalk | vrrp} {fault | error | warning | info | trace |
To Disable: no logging protocol event {rip | ospf | dvmrp | ldap | cli |
snmp | appletalk | vrrp} {fault | error | warning | info | trace
| debug}