Main window and menus
Avaya IP Agent Installation and User Guide for Citrix June 2007
● Conference - Adds other parties to a call. There are two different types of conferences
The following types of call conferencing are available with Avaya IP Agent:
Basic Conference - Select Conference which displays another call appearance. Dial
the number of the party to add to the conference through the keyboard or the Dial Pad,
announce the conference to the new party, and select Conference again to add the
new party.
Enhanced Conference - Select Conference which displays a dialog box. Enter the
number to call in the appropriate field, and select the OK button. After you announce
the conference to the new party, select the Yes button in the resulting message box to
add the new party.
View menu
The following items are available on the View menu:
● Phone Display - Enabling this item displays a panel above the status bar. This panel can
display information from sources such as VuStats or call-prompting digits.
● Dial Pad - Enabling this item displays a Dial Pad window, which contains a series of
numbers and symbols resembling a telephone keypad. Use your mouse to dial numbers
on the Dial Pad.
● Toolbars > Show Labels - Enabling this item displays labels for the buttons on the Phone
buttons toolbar, the Agent toolbar, and the Phone features toolbar.
● Toolbars > Phone Buttons - Enabling this item displays the Phone buttons toolbar, which
contains buttons for the Drop, Transfer, Conference, and Hold functions.